Friday, 29 January 2010

Late or Early

Well this can be a Late or Early Christmas stitch, As i always leave everything till last few months nearer Xmas this will have to be classed as early i think you agree, As i spent some time browsing my mags i came across this little Santa stitch he looked bright and cheerful this was the reason i felt like doing him, i don't seam to get as much time to x-stitch or work with my fabric like i used to due to family life and sore hands,

I will keep you posted as often as i can,
More pictures will follow soon,

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

still here

Hi Friends

Well it has been awhile, time has just gone so fast with so much has happened,
My last post was in the beginning of November and since then been mostly family things going on, but now Christmas has past & with Mick making me a sewing corner out I'm slowly getting back to stitching when my hands let me, as over the last few months they have become very sore and painful, I'm due to visit the hospital about them in February so fingers crossed they with improve,
No camera as yet so no pictures to show but i hope to replace the one i had soon

Watch this space for pictures soon

Take care all,